Miscellaneous Projects
Minimally Invasive Surgery using Soft Robots with Variable Stiffness
As an undergraduate, I worked with the Advanced Robotic Technology for Surgery Lab (ARTS), where I assisted in development of soft robots for minimally invasive surgery.
This work won first place (and $2000) in the 2019-2020 Texas Research Showdown, a competition where undergraduates students present their research as a short informative video to a non-technical audience. The winning video can be viewed below.
Model Predictive Control for Stabilization of an Active Suspension
Unforced Step Response
Step Response w/ MPC
During Spring 2021, I developed a variety of estimation and control demonstrations as part of a lab pair for ME397, Real-Time Control Systems Lab.
The two examples to the left demonstrate the natural step response of the system, and then the step response when regulated by a Linear Model Predictive Controller.
Our final presentation is linked below, detailing the design and synthesis of system models, 1st and 2nd order low pass filters, a Linear Observers and Kalman Filter, and the LQR and MPC implementations.
Continuous and Discrete Attitude Control of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
For ME 397 Digital Control, I worked with my frequent collaborator, Melissa Cruz, to develop system models and controllers for an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle based on existing literature. This report is available in its entirety below.