Miscellaneous Projects

Minimally Invasive Surgery using Soft Robots with Variable Stiffness

As an undergraduate, I worked with the Advanced Robotic Technology for Surgery Lab (ARTS), where I assisted in development of soft robots for minimally invasive surgery.

This work won first place (and $2000) in the 2019-2020 Texas Research Showdown, a competition where undergraduates students present their research as a short informative video to a non-technical audience. The winning video can be viewed below.

Project Video

Model Predictive Control for Stabilization of an Active Suspension

Unforced Step Response

Step Response w/ MPC


During Spring 2021, I developed a variety of estimation and control demonstrations as part of a lab pair for ME397, Real-Time Control Systems Lab.

The two examples to the left demonstrate the natural step response of the system, and then the step response when regulated by a Linear Model Predictive Controller.

Our final presentation is linked below, detailing the design and synthesis of system models, 1st and 2nd order low pass filters, a Linear Observers and Kalman Filter, and the LQR and MPC implementations.

Final Presentation

Continuous and Discrete Attitude Control of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle


For ME 397 Digital Control, I worked with my frequent collaborator, Melissa Cruz, to develop system models and controllers for an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle based on existing literature. This report is available in its entirety below.

Final Report

Final Presentation