Competitive Robotics
VEXU Spin Up (2023)
This last year, I have recruited and led a team of 20+ students in the development of two robots to play a variant of Frisbee Golf. We compete head-to-head against universities from around the world in autonomous and teleoperated matches.
During this time, I have spent a great deal of effort on the development of a unique omnidirectional drivetrain design, commonly referred to as "differential swerve".
This consists of a wheeled robot drivetrain where each wheel is individually steerable. The wheel module is powered by two motors where the steering and wheel actuation are coupled through a mechanical differential. This allows motor power to be instantaneously allocated between steering and driving only by controlling motor speeds.
In addition to mechanical design and manufacturing, I have been developing a unified planning and control approach using non-linear optimization. This allows for more efficient and optimal motion while respecting actuator limits.
VEX Nothing But Net (2016)
World Divisional Champion
US National Champion
US National Driver Skills Champion
South Texas Regional Amaze Award
6x Tournament Champion
VEX Starstruck (2017)
World Divisional Finalist
US National Semifinalist
South Texas Regional Tournament Champion
6x Tournament Champion
VEX Skyrise (2015)
World Divisional Tournament Finalist
South Texas Regional Tournament Finalist
4x Tournament Champion
4x Tournament Finalist
VEX Toss Up (2014)
World Divisional Think Award
US National Champion
South Texas Regional Tournament Champion
South Texas Regional Excellence Award
South Texas Regional Driver Skills Champion
4x Tournament Champion
2x Tournament Finalist